Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Ok I was supposed to do this blog on a web 2.0 tool. I chose widgetbox because I like widgets, a lot and yes it is free. It does... well umm... what do you think? It gives you widgets. It could be used for school because it has alot of educational widgets that you could use. It seems useful because it has loads of widgets for multiple subjects.


Well I'm supposed to type this blog about my learning so far. Well my biggest hurdle in learning would be the teacher. The only subject I really like leaning about is science. If I could learn anything right now I really wouldn't want to learn anything because that is more I have to remember. When I get out of high school I want to leave the country and move to Ireland. And for the last thing, were do I see my self in five years? Dead, 12/12/2012.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bloging challenge

After writing for the past 2 months I have barley grown as a writer. I am not a very good writer and I'm pretty sure I am still a bad writer. The difficulties I had in writing is picking a subject to write about. I always had trouble thinking of a subject. I'm pretty sure that I also made it clear how I feel about my writing in the first few sentences. I'm also sure there is nothing good about my writing except that it gets me a grade in english. I also struggle with almost everything but especially with thinking of a subject.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Were I would like to Email

If I could e-mail any were in the world I would want to email Smerwick, Ireland. I picked Ireland because some of my relatives came from Ireland and I want to learn more about were they came from and one of my favorite places in the world. The only thing I truly know is that I had relatives there at one point in time. I would ask them what it's like in Ireland and since it's Smerwick I would ask them what it's like in a small town.

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