Monday, November 2, 2009

My digital footprint

Well I looked up my name on google and this is what I found. I found my name along with other family members on a funeral homes website for my grandpa's obituary. I also found my name on my great grandpa's obituary from a united states marine corpse history website. I'm also found on two news paper websites, the green bay press gazette and the post crescent for being on the honor roll of seymour high school. Thats all I could find about myself so yeah. I think I have a posative digital footprint because the only information you can get about me is that I have dead relatives and I was on the honor roll so know people will think I'm smart. I don't think you should really use your full name or picture on a website unless you are on a super safe lock up the key website. I learned how to be internet savvy from my step mother when I sign up for stuff like face book. The only information I include when signing up for something is the required stuff and thats it.

1 comment:

  1. Just because all you found was your name and your family members, doesn't mean that is all the internet has hold of. I am sure someplace in the internet you could find more personal information about yourself. You could most likely find the email and other information you used to create your facebook page.
